the time length 时间长度
the length of time 时段长度
Time limit of the forecasting length 预测时限
Time-Time-Time Switching Network TTT 时间-时间-时间交换网络
A Greedy Clustering Algorithm along the Time Axis 沿时间轴贪心聚类算法
A Review of the Time 法官如─
abreast of the time 合时代性
adding the length 加长
advance with the time 与时俱进
advancing forward with the time 交联聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯
age at the time of surgery 手术时年龄
all the time 始终
analysis method in the time domain 动车组; 时域分析方法
and Shorten the time delay 压缩延时
at the time of 在
At the Time of Payment 均质压燃(HCCI); 均质压缩着火燃烧; 均质压燃; 给付时
averaging by weights of the length of scan lines 测线长度加权平均
behind the time 血红素氧合酶(脱环); 血红素加氧酶; 血红素氧化酶(脱环); 巨噬细胞移动抑制因子(MIF); 不合时宜
beyond the time 上海市地质矿产局
beyond the time limit for claim 超过索赔期限